🪶 Feather AI is Here

Keep this to yourself (or don't).

Hey, remember that podcast/video summarizer (the one in this gif)?

It sent summaries straight to your inbox.

2500+ people tried it.

Our Beta is over, and Feather's full platform is here.

We're giving you 200min of free summarization per month.

(Offer expires Thursday, February 23rd at 11:59pm EST).

That's 80min more per month than our normal free plan!

All you have to do is sign-up with your email.

No payment info required.

Is Feather worth your time? Heck yes.

In fact, Feather gives you your precious time back.

No more aimless audio/video consumption.

We turn hours of podcasts, lectures, and any other video/audio files into executive summaries that take mere minutes to read.

Feather's summaries include:

  • Bottom line up front - 1-3 sentence overview on the topic

  • Key points - the body of the file is broken into bullets w/ bolded headings

  • Estimated reading time vs. video/audio length - see how much time you're saving

Do we really mean free? Darn right.

This is a one time offer for 200min of free summaries per month (forever).

Feather AI will soon do a public launch (with less free minutes available).

Sign-up now for the best Feather deal.

No cost.

No fees.

No credit card.


(Offer expires Thursday, February 23rd at 11:59pm EST).

Need a refresher on Feather?

Here's the viral tweet that kicked off our beta.

Be on the lookout for exciting new product updates coming your way soon.

Happy summarizing,


or to participate.